Cupping For self-care
4hr CE November Signup
Where is the course located?
10013 Holman Rd NW, Seattle, WA 98177
What is the parking conditions
Vast amount of parking available in the QFC parking lot.
What is the date of the class?
November 11th, 2023
What time will the course start and finish?
Special Considerations for this Course
Pregnancy or other special accommodations
Please message me if you are pregnant or need any special accommodations. While pregnancy is not a contraindication for cupping therapy There are areas to avoid during pregnancy and we want to make sure you are trading with knowledge and safe practitioners who are trained in prenatal work.
Payment Methods / Signup
Sign Up Below using Paypal which accepts all major credit cards or Via Venmo.
*Regardless of which payment option you choose please be sure to email me at confirming your payment and which class you signed up for.


Venmo "levelupmt" and in the description box leave which the following details
1) Which class & dates you want to sign up.
2) An email address to teach you at.