Overcoming Chronic Neck Pain
Nerve Entrapment Leading to Shoulder Blade Discomfort
Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction Naturally
Cranial Nerves Affecting TMJ and Facial Sensitivity
Dealing with GERD and Stomach Issues
Shoulder Pain When You Walk Could Be From Your Ankle
Clearing The Static In The Body
Morton's Neuroma
Emotions Affecting Your Muscles
How Light and Sound Sensitivity Might be Affecting Your Life
Importance of Positional Testing For Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome
Using P-DTR to Create Stability with Hypermobility
2022 Education Recap and What to Expect in the Future
Why Cupping Therapy, Intraoral Massage And P-DTR are my 3 Favorite Techniques To Blend for Treatment
A Neuro Approach to TMJD, Clenching and Grinding
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is the Headlock on your Nerves
Muscle Testing Showcasing a Glimpse into the Nervous System
Sciatica and Piriformis Can Be a Pain in the Butt
Why the 90 Minute Split Between P-DTR and Massage Therapy is my Favorite Combination
Preventing and Relieving Arthritis Pain Symptoms